It Is Ok To Be Imperfect!

Perfect is such a flawed word. The emotion it creates in most people is something that is unattainable, and ultimately frustrating. In my nutrition coaching, I tell people, please don’t be perfect!

In my recent group, one of the clients (we will call her Freida) complained that she has tried and tried to be perfect in her diet and exercise regimen.  This created high stress and no results.  We started on a different path, working with small changes, easily accessible, the 1% rule of habit change.  Freida was skeptical. She felt that she was not going to make any progress. However, Freida was brilliant at doing small steps.  Everyone is brilliant at making small changes. Freida felt so good and relaxed for the first week of the proposed changes – even though it was a heavy week at work and she had just moved apartments.  The big surprise at the end of the 7 days is that she lost 1 kg, had more energy than the week before and saw the difference on her skin.

“Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.  A small habit—when repeated consistently—grows into something significant.” James Clear

She let go of the idea of being “perfect”.  Making the small easy changes she got results.

Freida’s story is not extraordinary.  When we make small steps, tiny and  easy changes, they add up to make a big difference.

Start How You Want to Go On, Forever!

Taking steps to improve the way you eat is not just for a short period – it should be for life.  So when choosing to change, pick a style of eating that you can maintain forever.  This was excellent advice I got from a baby nurse, who was helping me to create habits for my newborn.  Start the way you want to go on forever.  And this is relatable in all areas of my life – and yours.

When most people want to change their eating habits, the main reasons are:

  1.  To get control of their eating
  2. To feel good around food
  3. To lose weight
  4. To raise energy levels

All of these points are short-lived if we use quick-fix diets, ones that we don’t have enough time or motivation to continue forever.

In the long-run, the people who succeed are the ones who want to live the lifestyle that precedes the results.  Stop asking, “What results do I want to have?  Start asking, “What lifestyle do I want to live?”

Enjoy Your Life

Ultimately, every day is a gift, and we want to live every being and becoming the person we want to be with the life we want and desire to live.  Why waste a day being on a restrictive and unsatisfying diet?

Let’s find the right fit for you, where you feel your best, get control of your eating habits and feel fantastic!


Hi! I am Anne. I am a fitness and wellness coach with over 25 years of experience in the Swiss Romande area. I am a Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher for 500 hours and for Training Teachers in Continuing Education. I am passionate about helping individuals reach their highest potential and dedicated to attaining and maintaining fulfilment and happiness in every aspect of life.

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